Презентации планы уроков по английскому языку. Презентации по английскому языку (анг

Учитель: Сокол Ирина Михайловна

Класс: 4 " В"

Тема: "My house "

Коммуникативная ситуация: Design a house . (Unit 6 , Lesson 2)

Цель: способствовать формированию коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме "My house "

Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут самостоятельно, с опорой на уже имеющиеся знания по теме, составлять высказывание в рамках предложенной ситуации.

Задачи: - формировать лексические навыки по теме;

Развивать навыки устной речи по теме;

Закрепить употребление грамматической конструкции there is , there are ;

Учить делать выводы, мылить творчески;

Повышать интерес к изучению иностранного языка

Применяемые формы работы: фронтальная, в парах, индивидуальная

Оборудование урока:

    УМК «Английский язык 4 класс» Л. М. Лапицкая, А. И. Калишевич, Т. Ю. Севрюкова, Н. М. Седунова.

    Презентация smartboard;

    раздаточный материал;

    тематические картинки.

Ход урока

I . Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Good afternoon , sit down, please. I"m glad to see you.

How are you today?

Look at these pictures, what are these? (Слайды 2,3,4) You are right, these are different houses and flats. I want to buy a house. And I don’t know what should be in it. Today we"ll speak about your houses and flats, and I’ll understand what I need.

Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Do you like your house / flat?

How many rooms are there in your house / flat?

What rooms have you got in your flat? Have you got a kitchen (a bedroom, a living-room, a bathroom, a hall) in your flat?

II. Фонетическаязарядка

Look at the smartboard. Match the words with their transcription. Read the words. (Слайд 5,6соединитесловаиихтранскрипцию, прочтите слова.)

III. Выполнениетренировочныхупражнений

1) - Look at these pictures. Put these things in " their rooms" (Слайд7 поместить вещи в их комнаты)

Pictures: a sofa, a cupboard, a wardrobe, a cooker, a desk, a fridge, a plate, a lamp, a cup, a bookcase, a spoon, a bed, an armchair, a mirror, a table, a chair, a TV, a carpet

2) Read the sentences and guess what it is: (Слайд 8 угадайтечтоэто(нажатьипоявитсяответ))

You can sleep on it.

You can sit on it.

You can watch films on it.

You can put books in it.

You can sit in it.

You can play ball there.

You can look in it.

You can put plates, spoons, forks and knives in it.

You can eat at it.

You can put food in it.

You can cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on it.

You can put it on the floor.

You can put it in the bedroom or in the hall.

You can put exercise-books in it.

You have it in every room.

3) - Look at this picture.

What room do you see on it?

What room is this? What do you see in this room? (Слайд9найтипредметы)

Look at the model on the blackboard.

Model: There is ... in the ... .

There are ... in the ... .

Повторить задания со слайдами 10,11,12


Let"s have a rest and play a game

Switch your places if:

You live in the flat (house).

You have got a kitchen (a bedroom, a bathroom, a hall, a living-room).

You have got a sofa (a desk, a fridge, a TV, a cupboard, etc.) in the kitchen (hall, living-room,

bedroom, bathroom)

Take your sits, please.

4) - Let"s continue our lesson. Do you see sheets of paper and pictures on your tables? Your task is - design

a house. Then describe your house.

Model: I"ve got a ..... (living-room, bedroom, hall, bathroom, kitchen) upstairs (downstairs).

There is ... in the ... .

There are ... in the ... .

IV . Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

Do you like our lesson?

Do you want to live in the flat or in the house?

What rooms do you want to have? etc.

Write or draw your emotions on this paper.

V . Выставление оценок и домашнее задание.

Open your record-books . Write down your home task for the next lesson.

Your marks for the lesson .....

Thank you for your work . The lesson is over . You may be free. Good-bye.

Конспект урока по английскому языку для 5 класса “Школьные предметы”

Автор работы: Долгих Марина Сергеевна, учитель английского языка ДОШ №62.
Описание работы: конспект английского урока разработан для учеников 5 класса, который включает коммуникативные упражнения, игры, задания по чтению, аудированию, письму и говорению. Материал будет интересен учителям английского языка, а также родителям воспитанников.
Цель: совершенствование навыков речевой деятельности.
Задачи: закрепить употребление лексических единиц в речи; развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма, аудирования; развивать память, мышление, речь, внимание; воспитывать уважение.
Оборудование: учебник, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1.Организационная часть.

2.Фонетическая зарядка/ Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: How many lessons have you got every day? Have you got lessons on Saturday? ? What is your favourite working day? What is (are) your favourite subject(s)? Have you got much homework to do? What is your homework in English for today?

3.Проверка домашнего задания.


3.Основная часть.

Writing\ Speaking
Выполнение упражнений.

a) Описание своего школьного расписания и любимого урока.

Pupil: We have got Mathematics, English, History, Music, Physical Education on Monday. As for me, my favourite lesson is Music because I like to sing songs and listen to music.

b) Заполнение семейного дерева. Составление монологов о членах семьи и их любимых предметах.

Pupil: My sister’s name is Anna. She is 9 years old. Her favourite subjects are English and Mathematics. She likes to translate texts and do sums. My mother’s name is Natasha. She is 32 years old. Her favourite lesson was History. My mother likes to read historical novels very much. As for me, I like PE because I prefer playing basketball and football.

Ученики определяют на слух название предметов в соответствии с их описанием.
Example: We learn to work with numbers – Mathematics.
- We learn to read, write and speak in our native language correctly;
we read a lot of books by the writers from our country;
we learn to read, write, and speak in a foreign language;
we study the history of our home land, different countries of the world;
we learn to sing and understand music;
we read books by writers from different countries;
we study the nature around us; we study our planet;
we make things with our own hands.

Грамматическая игра

The Mime Game.
В игре принимают участие две команды. Каждая команда получает набор карточек с названием школьных предметов. Ученики показывают действия, которые часто выполняются на уроках. Можно задавать только общие вопросы. Выигрывает та команда, которая догадалась о школьном предмете и собрала больше карточек другой команды.
Teacher: The class is split into two groups. The groups are given different lists of school subjects. One student of each group mimes the most common activities for the given subject, and the other group has to guess the activities and the subject by asking “yes/no” questions.
Group 1: Are you reading?
Group 2: No, we are not.
Group 1: Are you doing sums?
Group 2: Yes, we are.
Group 1: Is it Mathematics?
Group 2: Yes, it is.

Hi, Oksana,
Thanks for your letter. It was very interesting to read about your school. In the USA we don’t have as many school subjects as you do.

Of course, we study English a lot. We read stories and books, watch videos, listen to songs, learn and recite poems. We have a lot of exercises! I know we have to do them to know our native language well. We also talk a lot and discuss some problems at our English lessons. We often work in groups and make projects at the lessons and as our homework. All my friends and I like making projects very much. But we don’t have subjects like Nature Study or Geography. We have Science where we study these subjects. We have 5 or 6 lessons every day, and they are the same for the whole semester.

How many lessons do you have every day? What are they? How many English lessons do you have a week? What do you do at your English lessons? Looking forward to your letter.
Your best friend, Susan.
4. Домашнее задание.
Ответить на письмо.
5. Подведение итогов.

Презентация на тему: Школьные предметы

План-конспект урока по теме: “Stories to Read, Stories to tell”. (Урок обобщающего повторения по теме “Stories”)

Образовательные задачи: 1. Проконтролировать речевые умения уч-ся по теме “Stories”.

(монологические и диалогические высказывания о прочитанных рассказах, писателях.)

2. Практиковать уч-ся в работе с текстом (чтение с полным пониманием). 3.. Проконтролировать знания уч-ся по теме “Past tenses” и умения применять их на практике.

4. Проконтролировать навыки и умения аудирования (задания типа Listen to the story and

complete the text.).

Воспитательные задачи:1.Развивать у уч-ся любовь к чтению, интерес к творчеству английских писателей.

2 .Развивать умения работать в группе.

Развивающие задачи: 1.Формировать у уч-ся креативное мышление.

2. .Развивать у уч-ся способность четко и логично высказывать свои мысли на английском языке.

Оснащение урока:

1.мультемедийная презентация по теме урока;

2.раздаточный материал по чтению(1 часть текста “The Blue Carbuncle”),

3.раздаточный материал по грамматике (2 часть текста “The Blue Carbuncle”),

4.раздаточный материал для контроля аудирования (задания типа Listen to the

story and complete the text.).

5.аудиозапись текста по аудированию (“ Arthur Conan Doyle”)

Ход урока:

. 1.Организационный момент.

а) приветствие,

б) сообщение темы, целей и задач урока

Our topic today is: «Stories to Read, Stories to Tell». We’ll talk about stories, their characters and writers. We’ll read a detective story and discuss it. We’ll listen to a biography of a famous writer. We are going to repeat some grammar rules about past tenses.

2.Речевая зарядка. Answer the questions:

1) Why do people read?

2) What kinds of stories can your name?

3) Where can we find stories to read?

4) What stories have we read during our English lessons?

5) What kinds of stories do you prefer? Why?

6) Do you like detective stories? Why?

7) What are the typical features of every detective story?

8) What detective writers can you name? What can you tell about them?

3 .Аудирование текста “A Biography of A. Conan Doyle.”

А) Комментарии учителя:

There is one more famous detective writer. I mean A. Conan Doyle. Let’s listen to the story

And complete the text with the necessary information.

Б) Знакомство с заданием: Complete the text with the necessary information.

A. Conan Doyle was born in_________ in_______________________. His father, Charles E.Doyle, was_________________________ by profession but he worked as_______________. The father___________________ and the Doyle family was very poor.

Arthur got from his mother the talent of_________________ and it helped him when he became a writer. After finishing school Conan Doyle became a student of________________ in the University of Edinburgh. He began his medical practice in a small town of Southsea , where he spent__________ years. Here he also began his writing career. He wrote detective stories about _____________________________________________________________.

Besides detective stories, Arthur Conan Doyle also wrote______________________________________________________________________

Conan Doyle also traveled a lot. He visited__________________________.

All his life Conan Doyle liked sports, his favourite sports were__________________________. He died in __________, but the famous detective

Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson continued to be the favourite characters of British literature.

В) Прослушивание текста:

Arthur Conan Doyle.

A. Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. His father, Charles E.Doyle, was an artist and an architect by profession but he worked as a clerk in an office. The father died young and the Doyle family was very poor.

Arthur’s mother was a good story-teller and her fantastic talent he remembered all his life. The talent of story-telling Arthur got from his mother and it helped him when he became a writer. During his school years he read much and often told his friends long and interesting stories, getting cakes and sweets.

After finishing school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty in the University of Edinburgh. In his third year of studies he went as a ship doctor to the Arctic and after graduating from the University, he again went by a ship to Western Africa.

He began his medical practice in a small town of Southsea, where he spent eight years. Here

he published his first detective story” A Scandal in Bohemia”. Its main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and they became the most popular characters of many of Conan Doyle’s stories. The readers liked the stories very much. In 1901-02 one Doyle’s best stories “The Hound of Baskervilles” was published.

In 1891 Conan Doyle gave up his medical work and devoted all his time to literary activity. He also traveled a lot. He visited Europe, the USA and Egypt.

Besides detective stories, Arthur Conan Doyle also wrote historical novels, war books and anticolonial book about the Belgian Congo. His two fantastic books “The Lost World” and “The Poisoned Belt” were quite successful.

All his life Conan Doyle liked sports, played golf and went in for boxing.

He died in 1930. After his death, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, together with his friend Dr. Watson, continued to be the favourite characters of British literature. Many tourists who come to London always go to visit Baker Street to see the house where Sherlock Holmes lived.

г) Контроль выполнения. (чтение биографии вслух.)

4. Монологические и диалогические высказывания уч-ся (самопрезентации уч-ся

от имени Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона; затем диалог-расспрос о деталях


5.Работа с текстом “The Blue Carbuncle.”

а) Контроль понимания 1 части текста (контроль домашнего задания) :

Look the text through carefully. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Make the false sentences true.

1. When on the second morning after Christmas Dr. Watson came to Sherlock Holmes, he at once noticed an old dirty hat lying on the chair.

  1. The hat was brought by Peterson, the door attendant.
  2. In the afternoon when Peterson was coming home he saw some thugs attacking a tall man with a goose.
  3. The door attendant wanted to help the man but he ran away.
  4. Running away the man dropped the goose and the wallet.
  5. Peterson brought the things to Sherlock Holmes and asked for help.
  6. It was easy for Peterson to return the goose and the hat to the man but he didn’t have time.
  1. When Sherlock Holmes examined the hat carefully he found a lot of clues, which could help then to find the man.
  2. The man had been poor but then he became rich.
  3. Dr. Watson believed Sherlock Holmes very quickly and the great detective didn’t explain him anything.

б) Работа со 2-ой частью текста:

Can you guess what happened later? (уч-ся высказывают свои предположения);

What tenses were used by Dr. Watson to tell the story?

We should complete the 2-nd part with the right tense form (past simple, past continuous or

past perfect.)

The End of the Story.

After that Holmes________________ (to explain) all the clues about the hat to Watson .Then Peterson_____________ (to come) into the room .He brought a very large diamond which his wife_________________ (to find) inside the goose. Holmes realized that this was the famous diamond stolen from the countess when she was staying at a London hotel .Two hotel servants had been involved .One____________ (to be) the butler -James Ryder, and the other___________ (to be) John Horner-a plumber. .Horner had been working in the countess’s room, so he was arrested and put into prison. But he was not guilty. So Holmes_____________ (to advertise) about the goose in the newspaper. That evening a man appeared. It was Baker, he_______________ (not to know) anything about the diamond. He told Holmes and Watson that he___________________ (to buy) the goose in the small shop. When they_______________ (to come) there, they saw a man, who________________ (to ask) about the goose. It was Ryder-the hotel butler. Holmes took him back to his house and Ryder confessed that he______________________ (to steel) the diamond. After the crime he went to his sister and saw some geese in the garden, so he put the diamond into the mouth of one of them. Then he asked his sister for the goose as a Christmas present .Later

he______________ (to take) the goose home, _____________ (to kill) it, but there was no diamond there .He understood that he________________ (to choose) the wrong goose. So Holmes had enough proof to put Ryder into prison. But he let the man go. In the end Horner was released from the prison and the diamond was returned to the countess.

Контроль выполнения (чтение вслух; исправление ошибок)

Беседа по содержанию текста:

Whose idea about the end of the story was right? Prove it.

Is it really a detective story? Why do you think so? Prove it.

6.Обобщение страноведческого материала изученного при знакомстве с творчеством А. Kонан Дойла.

While reading and discussing stories about Sherlock Holmes we met some interesting notions,

We found out what their meaning. Now let’s recall what what Scotland Yard is. What is now

at 221”B” Baker Street. What do we mean saying “the real British Character”? What is Covent


7 Подведение итогов урока .

So we’ve read and discussed a famous detective story,

we’ve talked about its background and its author. Now I want to know your opinion do you

really like the story? Why? What do you like (dislike) most of all?

8. Домашнее задание.

Now you’ve read some stories by Arthur Conan Doyle in English and in Russian, you’ve seen a lot of detective books. You liked some of them, while the others seemed dull for you. So what do you pay attention to when you see the book for the first time? What should an interesting book

contain? Let’s divide our group into two parts. The 1-part should think of the possible cover of the collection of stories of A .Conan Doyle we’ve read and prepare their variant. The 2-nd group should think about the possible contents of the book (stories, information about the author etc.)

and prepare the possible table of contents with all the necessary commentaries.

9.Комментированное выставление оценок.

Тема :My favourite holiday.

Класс : 5

Цель :

    предполагается, что к концу урока учащиеся смогут составить высказывание по теме «Мой любимый праздник»

Задачи :


    способствовать совершенствованию произносительных навыков учащихся

    способствовать активизации ранее изученных ЛЕ по теме

    создать условия для развития грамматических умений говорения с использованием порядковых числительных


    способствовать развитию коммуникабельных способностей учащихся по теме;

    способствовать развитию памяти, внимания

    способствовать развитию умений сопоставлять факты, анализировать


    способствовать развитию культуры речи, взаимоотношений, речевого этикета;

Оборудование: презентация, выполненные в программе Power Point, индивидуальные карточки-задания, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

1 этап. Организация начала урока. (1 minute)

Hello, children! I’m very glad to see you today. Sit down.

How are you today?

    1. Объявление темы урока , цели урока (2 minutes)
      -Well, to begin with, look at the screen. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you can read the topic of our today’s lesson. For example, a mouse – the letter “m”.
      (слайд 1)

What is the topic of our lesson?

At the end of lesson you will speak about your favourite holiday. What are we going to do to reach this aim. We are going to….(ответы учащихся )

    1. Языковая зарядка. (2 minutes)

Do you like holiday?

What holidays do you know?

What holidays do people celebrate in winter (summer, spring, autumn, spring)?

2 этап . Основная часть урока (35 minutes). 2.1 Активизация ЛЕ (5 minutes)

Let’s review the holidays one more time .Look at the pictures and name the holidays.(слайд 3-11)


Each holiday has its own date. I think you know all these dates.

And now your task is to find the right date for each holiday.

Game “Upside down”.( слайд 12)

Good job!

2.2.Развитие грамматических умений (порядковые числительные)(3 minutes )

And now it is time to revise our grammar material.

We write: We celebrate Christmas on January, 7 th . We say: We celebrate Christmas on the seventh of January.

Name the holidays and the dates. When do you celebrate ….?

When do you celebrate your birthdays?(слайд 13)

2.3. Активизация ЛЕ (3 minutes)

People celebrate holidays in different way. How can people celebrate ….?

Your task is to name the activities and the holidays.(слайд 14)

2.3. Чтение текста (8 minutes)

Предтекстовый этап

Do you have friends? Yesterday I got a letter from my friend from England. She writes me about her favourite holiday. We’ll read the letter. Be ready to answer the question: What’s her favourite holiday?(слайды 15-18)

Послетекстовый этап .

Find information in the text.(слайд 19)
-Complete the sentences from the text.(
слайд 20)

Физкультминутка .

2.4. Составление диалогов (7 minutes)

Put the questions in the right order.(слайд 22-23)

Make up the dialogues.( слайд 24)

2.5. Составление монологов (7 minutes)

Speak about your favourite holiday.(слайд 25)

What are the most popular holidays in your class?
3 этап.Подведение итогов урока(5 minutes )

3.1. Домашнее задание (write about your favourite holiday)

3.2. Рефлексия.

3.3. Выставление отметок .

Make up dialogues.( New Year)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?



How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

Make up dialogues (Easter)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?



How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

Make up dialogues (birthday)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?


How do you prepare for this holiday?


How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

Make up dialogues (Victory Day)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?


How do you prepare for this holiday?


How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

Make up dialogues (birthday)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?


How do you prepare for this holiday?


How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

Make up dialogues (Valentine’s day)

What’s your favourite holiday?

- ….

When do you celebrate it?


How do you prepare for this holiday?


How do you celebrate it?


Oh, it’s interesting!

Oh, yes!

People paint eggs and cook Easter cakes …

on April Fool’s Day
at Easter
on Victory Day
on Valentine’s Day
at Halloween
on birthday
at New Year

at Christmas

    People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love…

    People play jokes on friends…

    People have parades and give flowers to veterans…

    People decorate their houses, decorate the New Year tree with toys, tinsel and lights and give presents to each other…

    People invite friends and relatives, get presents and blow out candles on birthday cake…

    People decorate their houses with pumpkin lanterns…

    People celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and go to churches…

on April Fool’s Day

at Easter

on Victory Day

on Valentine’s Day

at Halloween

on birthday

at New Year

at Christmas

    People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love…

    People play jokes on friends…

    People have parades and give flowers to veterans…

    People decorate their houses, decorate the New Year tree with toys, tinsel and lights and give presents to each other…

    People paint eggs and cook Easter cakes…

    People invite friends and relatives, get presents and blow out candles on birthday cake…

    People decorate their houses with pumpkin lanterns…

    People celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and go to churches…

on April Fool’s Day

at Easter

on Victory Day

on Valentine’s Day

at Halloween

on birthday

at New Year

at Christmas

Hello, my dear friend!
How are you? I’m fine. You ask me about my favourite holiday. So, my favourite holiday is my birthday. I celebrate it on April, 10 th . It begins in the morning. I get up and see a present and a card from my parents. I am very happy.

I usually invite my friends and relatives. My mum cooks the holiday dinner. My granny helps her. They cook very well. I always help them to lay the table.

At 5 p. m. my friends and relatives come. They give me presents, cards and wish happiness. I thank them and invite to dinner.

To finish dinner, my dad brings a cake with lit candles. When I blow out the candles, my parents, my friends and relatives say: “Happy birthday!”

After tea and cake we dance, listen to music, play games and sing songs.
It’s fun! We are happy!
My birthday is my favourite holiday.


Find information in the text:

5.Does Ann help them?

8.Are they happy?

Find information in the text:
1.When does Ann celebrate her birthday?
2.When does her birthday start?
3.Does she invite her friends and relatives?
4.Who cooks the holiday dinner?
5.Does Ann help them?
5.What do her friends and relatives do when they come?
6.What do her parents, relatives and friends say?
7.What do children do after tea and cake?
8.Are they happy?

Find information in the text:
1.When does Ann celebrate her birthday?
2.When does her birthday start?
3.Does she invite her friends and relatives?
4.Who cooks the holiday dinner?
5.Does Ann help them?
5.What do her friends and relatives do when they come?
6.What do her parents, relatives and friends say?
7.What do children do after tea and cake?
8.Are they happy?

Find information in the text:
1.When does Ann celebrate her birthday?
2.When does her birthday start?
3.Does she invite her friends and relatives?
4.Who cooks the holiday dinner?
5.Does Ann help them?
5.What do her friends and relatives do when they come?
6.What do her parents, relatives and friends say?
7.What do children do after tea and cake?
8.Are they happy?

1.My favourite holiday is…

2.I celebrate it on…

3.It begins…

4.I usually invite…

5.My mum and my granny cook…

6.I help them to ….

9.After tea and cake we …

10.We are …

Complete the sentences from the text.

1.My favourite holiday is…

2.I celebrate it on…

3.It begins…

4.I usually invite…

5.My mum and my granny cook…

6.I help them to ….

7.My friends come, give me … and wish….

8.After dinner my dad brings …

9.After tea and cake we …

10.We are …

Complete the sentences from the text.

1.My favourite holiday is…

2.I celebrate it on…

3.It begins…

4.I usually invite…

5.My mum and my granny cook…

6.I help them to ….

7.My friends come, give me … and wish….

8.After dinner my dad brings …

9.After tea and cake we …

10.We are …

Complete the sentences from the text.

1.My favourite holiday is…

2.I celebrate it on…

3.It begins…

4.I usually invite…

5.My mum and my granny cook…

6.I help them to ….

7.My friends come, give me … and wish….

8.After dinner my dad brings …

9.After tea and cake we …

10.We are …

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Put the questions in the right order .

When do you celebrate this holiday?

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you feel about this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Put the questions in the right order .

When do you celebrate this holiday?

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you feel about this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Put the questions in the right order .

When do you celebrate this holiday?

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you feel about this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Put the questions in the right order .

When do you celebrate this holiday?

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you feel about this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Put the questions in the right order .

When do you celebrate this holiday?

How do you prepare for this holiday?

How do you feel about this holiday?

How do you celebrate it?

Уколова Елена Сергеевна
Учебное заведение: МАОУ "СОШ №40"
Краткое описание работы: A Slam lesson: «Introduce yourself» Class 3Theme of the slam lesson Intercultural approach in teaching English. Level of English language A1 - B1 Aim Develop the ability to represent yourself and be able to find new acquaintances Brief description of the idea Participants present themselves and recognize each other in the form of simple and clear exercises.

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна
Учебное заведение: МБОУ гимназия №19 г. Липецк
Краткое описание работы: Урок разработан для учащихся 5 класса. УМК Ю. Е., Ваулиной, ДЖ. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Урок общеметодологической направленности в рамках системно – деятельностного подхода. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся писать биографический очерк..Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные, личностные.

Мякотина Наталья Иувановна
Учебное заведение: МБОУ гимназия №14 г.Ейска МО Ейский район
Краткое описание работы: Данные фрагменты уроков рассматривают индивидуальный подход к учащимся. Разработаны задания для учащихся со слабой языковой подготовкой, -средней и сильной. Рассматриваются задания по аудированию.чтению,письму.

Глотова Ирина Владимировна
Учебное заведение: МАОУ СОШ №1 им.Н.И.Кондратенко
Краткое описание работы: Комбинированный урок Цели:практиковать учащихся в употреблении слов, относящихся к теме «Профессия»; практиковать учащихся в словообразовании; совершенствовать навыки аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации; совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки учащихся по теме «Профессия»; ознакомить учащихся с английскими идиомами, связанными с профессиями.

Пахомова Ирина Геннадьевна
Учебное заведение: МБОУ СОШ №1 имени М.П.Кочнева г.Нерюнгри, республика Саха (Якутия)
Краткое описание работы: Разговорная тема "Travelling" по английскому языку в данном уроке посвящена именно путешествиям на самолёте: правилам безопасности во время полёта, прохождения паспортного и таможенного контроля. Урок проходит в форме ролевой игры

Юламанова Эльвира Булатовна
Учебное заведение: Муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5»
Краткое описание работы: Вызывает интерес обучающихся к научным исследованиям, связанным со здоровым образом жизни, пробуждает любознательность в отношении пищи, необходимой для других частей тела, вызывает у обучающихся интерес к самостоятельному решению задач, воспитывает информационную культуру, активную жизненную позицию, толерантность, умение сотрудничать и работать в группе.

Юламанова Эльвира Булатовна
Учебное заведение: Муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5»г
Краткое описание работы: Представляемый материал расширяет познавательные навыки в области грамматики и лексики английского языка. Урок построен таким образом, чтобы вызвать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка. Осуществление постановки урока способствует творческому развитию учеников, а главное - их коммуникабельности.

Жуковская Юлия Валерьевна
Учебное заведение: МБОУ "Вишняковская СОШ №28"
Краткое описание работы: Данный материал предназначен для работы учителя английского языка с детьми 10-11 лет (5 класс) по закреплению полученных знаний: на уроке предполагается повторение грамматического материала: настоящее простое время, глаголы "can" и "have", а также лексического материала по заданной теме.

План-конспект урока по английскому языку по ФГОС

В данном разделе образовательного портала Конспектека представлены планы-конспекты уроков по английскому языку. Конспект урока английского языка представляет собой подробный план, включающий содержание и подробное описание этапов занятия по этой учебной дисциплине.

Грамотно составленный конспект урока служит преподавателю опорным планом проведения занятия, а также является документом, который используется при аттестации учителей английского языка. Поэтому можно сказать, что планы-конспекты уроков играют важную роль в процессе построения грамотного и эффективного процесса обучения английскому языку в школах России.

По новым требованиям государственных образовательных стандартов нового поколения (ФГОС) план-конспект урока английского языка должен отвечать следующим требованиям: цели, задачи и методы проведения урока должны отвечать возрастной группе учеников, цели и задачи занятия должны быть четко сформулированы, ход урока должен способствовать выполнению поставленных задач и достижению целей.

Главными составными элементами конспекта урока по английскому языку являются: тема, цели, задачи, вид, форма проведения, последовательность этапов, методические материалы и техническое обеспечение.

На учебно-методическом портале Конспектека можно скачать конспекты уроков английского языка бесплатно

Преподаватели могут разместить планы-конспекты уроков на различные темы на нашем Интернет-ресурсе и получить именные свидетельства о публикации авторского материала. Размещая свои наработки, Вы даете другим учителям английского языка перенять Ваш опыт и помогаете коллегам совершенствоваться. Все авторские наработки по английскому языку на нашем портале можно совершенно бесплатно скачать в целях ознакомления.

Помимо конспектов по английскому языку на нашем сайте Вы найдете разработки по немецкому , русскому , математике и всем другим предметам из учебной программы российских школ.